Monday, May 6, 2019

Jack Scott writes


Winter blows no more. 
Spring tiptoes in like plovers 
stitching sparkling, lacy hem 
to rich egg-laden sand. 
The tide is coming in. 
Spring brews wild blossom teas 
as trees drop hankies on the breeze.
Grey plover at the water
Grey Plover at the Water's Edge -- Archibald Thorburn

1 comment:

  1. Plovers are a widely distributed group of wading birds belonging to the Charadriiformes subfamily Charadriinae; the genus name (Pluviali) is Latin and means relating to rain, from "pluvia" (rain). Their nests are in a slight hollow in the ground where 2 to 5 (usually 4) spotted eggs are laid. The European golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria) summers in Iceland and its 1st appearance there indicates the arrival of spring.


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