Wednesday, April 17, 2019

June Calender writes

Growing Old: a Long View

Because we know about —
or have invented — Time
we understand we will
grow old. Time begets change:
we, and all things on earth will die.
If choice were mine,
I would live the life span
of mountains, grow old
as the Adirondacks and
Appalachians have.
Geologists say they are
old — old beyond Time.
Whereas the grand Himalayas
are mere adolescents,
still growing. I would have loved
to be grandly snow mantled,
kissed by clouds, worshiped.
How fine to feel rough cliffs
and scarps wind-licked like ice cream
cones into softly rounded shapes,
garnished in evergreens and hardwoods
gracious home to deer and bear,
moose, foxes, beavers, birds.
How exciting to have lived eons
watching human civilization
commence and spread.

How woeful now feeling degradation
of atmosphere, earth and waters
and all the beings living here… Even
with abounding life, a surety is
that Earth itself will far outlive
the hungry, manipulating species,
once grand mountains will
become deserts. Time will end
with Life. Earth will remain,
possibly even after
the sun becomes a cinder.
sol H --  Conrad Jon Godly

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