Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Heather Jephcott writes


A sign needs to be put up
not sure which one would do
"learn to fish and to recognise fish
before beginning"
would be good.

Perhaps you will think it funny
it happens frequently
fellows come online
that I must be swimming
around in this giant ocean
hoping, praying
I'm there to be caught.

I don't think it's really funny
these fellows going fishing
with less than themselves
no weight do they carry
except for similar stories
but they put out their lines
trying to fish
for beauty
more than anything.

I think it is funny
that they forget which fish can be caught and eaten
they don't take much notice of such things at all,
they still try to catch
whatever they can
with as little trouble and skill
as possible.

I'm not sure
if its funny or not
but these fellows are so similar
and are here
in a space, an ocean,
designed for other things.

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