Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rupert Loydell paints

April Diptych 11


1 comment:

  1. Diptych

    I’m hammering nails into the stretchers,
    oblivious to the white-fleshed seated nude,
    crowned with yellow-white hair, her upward
    gaze from the model’s chair, red flowers
    at her side and a white haze behind, unaware
    that she exists only a few feet high and wide,
    an emotional world unto itself, on canvas,
    like to the cross, nailed in forever.

    She, on the cusp of aging, poised
    in a room of hydrangeas and gauze,
    awkward in her painted innocence,
    expectancy in the uplifted eye
    from her bamboo chair, red flowers beside,
    light, internal or fluorescent, in a haze
    of sunlight, she, fragile as oyster flesh,
    while I nail the frame to lift her into the room.

    --Alice Rose George


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