Friday, September 21, 2018

Monika Ajay Kaul writes

"Hopscotch..Now faded lines..!!"

and its faded and lopsided lines,
I drew with those filched chalkstones,
In the scorching sun, even tranquil moon,
we spent doing in each season change.

No sassy computers or torpid television,
Nothing stopped our tiny fingers.
A faded music on radios enlivens the backdrop;
To draw the squares and murmur numbers
on the mouldering streets, we would jump n hop.

Pebbles and stones in those pretty hands
And the dash of dust on the chests to wipe.
I-spy and Tipi-Top, the backyards would cry.
Glimpsing that back page with a few Tic-tac-toes;
Mommy's glare thumped our hearts.

To sing those rhymes and limericks,
in a different tone and merry was the word.
No cheat-codes to win the game;
and the new songs had different lyrics
that got brash with lapsing time.

We grew, so did our hearts n minds.
Those old familiar streets did crumble more.
I wonder..whether the chalks are still stolen,
and Hopscotch comes with uneven lines.
The stones I believe still come free.
Image result for hopscotch paintings
The Game of Hopscotch -- Navneet Parikh


  1. Hopscotch is a children's game that can be played with several players or alone. Players toss a small object into numbered triangles or a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object. It exists in many forms and under many names; for instance, in India it is called stapu, nondi, kith-kith, ekhaat duhaat, chirpi, kunte bille, paandi, or tokkudu billa. In Yorkshire it is hop-score, in Suffolk hobbies, and in Scotland peevers, peeverels, or pabats. Although apparently of ancient origin, it was not recorded in English until the 17th century, when biologist Francis Willughby described "Scotch Hoppers' in his pioneering "Book of Games." "Hop" is a variation of "hoop" and "scotch" is an incised line or scratch. I Spy is a guessing game in which one player says "I spy with my little eye," and the other players have to guess what the object is. Although the game originated in the 20th century, another game with the same name (a dynamic variant of hide and seek) was played in the 18th century. Tippy tippy top is an Indian game in which one child chooses a color and the others try to collect something of that color before the color picker catches them. Tic-tac-toe is among the oldest known games, with examples found on roofing tiles from ca. 1300 BCE. Two players take turns marking their X or O on a 3X3 grid, trying to get 3 of their marks in a row. In the UK it is called "noughts and crosses" and was 1st referred to in the "Notes and Queries" periodical in 1858. A different game called "tick-tack'toe" existed by 1884 but referred to trying to blindly bringing a pencil down on a numbered slate. The Americans changed its name to tic-tac-toe in the 20th century (perhaps taking its name from tick-tack, a 16th-century version of backgammon.

  2. Thankyou so much. Overwhelming, this is. :)


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