Monday, March 7, 2016

Oki Kehinde Julius writes

In heaven's cradle, creation potter painted Our clay with the gloss of black,
Moulding us into the shape of fame, reflecting the transparency of
beauty through Our complexion.
We were crafted from the beautiful stone that birthed Lucifer the mysterious Morning Star,
With Our appearance standing as the significance and representation of God's statue image on earth.
In mentality and creativity, Africans are not black.
Complexion only cheated us, masquerading our skin with the coat that is dark.
Tales of "Black Monkeys" name that pierced Our beauty with daggers of uncertainty
Must henceforth be blunted with this knotty appraise that "Black Is Beautiful".
Education had been swinging its legacy for ages on the orbit of Africa.
Religion and cultural heritage was her empire's breath, even before oxygen was discovered.
Her womb conveys great Men and Women of potential and diversity,
Whose footprints do not leave the mother earth without engraving on it the symbol of impact and existence.
African colour should never be the reason why We should be associated with black,
For pointed nose White Men's skins  are not truly white as snow.
Do not regard black African as a devil incarnate, because Satan put on a black coat,
For White Men too are not saints because God of purity put on a white fettled cassock.
Must we threaten ourselves as original inferiors
To White Men, who can't survive without Our mineral resources and oil?
Our endowed soil flows petroleum, bitumen, all along with gold,
With bananas, nurturing groundnut, cocoa and tobacco.
Africa empires are not black,
They are like a bitter kola, whose outside is black and inside is white.
Never regard us as a monkey, for we do not beg banana from you,
We are the beautiful black creature whose integrity is not black. 

Image result for divine potter

1 comment:

  1. Khnum was originally the ram-headed or crocodile-headed god of the source of the Nile, but since the river's annual flooding brought silt and clay with it, and its water brought life to its surroundings, he became the creator of the bodies of children, which he made from clay at a potter's wheel and placed in their mothers' wombs. Later still, he was thought to have molded the other deities as well. The third aspect of Ra, he was the god of rebirth, creation, and the evening sun. His consort was Satet ("she who shoots forth"), the deification of the Nile floods and an early goddess of war, hunting, and fertility. Their daughter was Anuket ("Clasper," "Embracer"), the goddess of the Nile. Another consort was Menhit ("she who massacres"), a leonine war goddess; their son was Heka, the deification of magic, whose name meant "activating the Ka" (the aspect of the soul which embodied personality in gods and humans alike).
    Another consort was the frog-headed fertility goddess Heqet, associated with the last stages of the Nile flooding,the germination of corn, the final stages of childbirth, and the breathing of life into the newborn Horus; sometimes she was depicted as a frog on the end of a penis. Another consort was Meskenet, the goddess of childbirth and the creator of each person's ka, which she breathed into the baby at birth; eventually, due to this function, she was associated with fate as well. Neith, another goddess of war and fertility, the personification of the primordial waters of creation, was also a consort; she made the weapons of warriors and guarded their corpses; as the Cow of Heaven she gave birth daily to the sun. Khnum was also worshiped as Min, represented in human form holding his erect penis in his left hand and a flair in his right. As a god of male sexual potency, Min was honored during the coronation rites when the new pharaoh was expected to sow his seed and thus ensure the annual flooding of the Nile. At the beginning of the harvest season, his image was taken out of the temple and taken into the fields, where his adherents blessed the harvest and nakedly played games in his honor, the most important of which involved climbing a huge pole. He wore around his forehead a red ribbon that trailed to the ground, perhaps representing sexual energy. His symbols were the white bull, a barbed arrow, and a bed of lettuce (which was tall and straight and released a milk-like substance when rubbed).


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