Melancholy Song
My dearest Poetry
Sing me a melancholy song
On the devastation of
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
On the demolition of
Twin towers
How many have lost their lives
Their cry and pain
Saying good bye to this world for ever
To their beloved one
To meet them in next birth
If so
But what shall be the destination
On which planets they will meet
Sing me the song of their
Wailing wives, mothers, children
And of their relatives
My sweetest Poetry
Sing me the melancholy song
Of disaster on the earth
The power of cavalry
Crushing the innocent lives
My Heartiest Poetry
Sing me the melancholy song
On the starving lives
Dying for want of food
My bosom Poetry
Sing me the melancholy song
How the people of this earth
Getting frustrated of their daily life
How the people of this earth
Wasting their days toil
In search of bread
Despite of heart and soul endeavour
Some are getting but some are not
I like to wail on the melancholy song
So sing a melancholy song
That can make me to weep bitterly
The earth would laugh on me
To make me calm and to give me solace
Not to weep on the past deed of mankind
The coming generation will certainly establish
Love, peace, prosperity and friendship
Where every one will look like a blooming flower.

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress was a four-engine propeller-driven heavy bomber, one of the largest aircraft operational during World War II, designed for high-altitude strategic bombing. With " a mixture of respect and unhappy familarity," as John Hersey put it in HIROSHIMA, it was called "B-san" (Mr.B) by the Japanese. The Silverplate series were modified to drop atomic bombs and were handpicked for that mission by Lt. Col. Paul W. Tibbets, who flew the Enola Gay (named after his mother), which dropped "Little Boy" on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. (Ironically, more Japanese had emigrated to the US before the war than from any other city, so there was a high number of residents with American relatives.) The bomb created a blast equivalent to 16 kilotons of TNT, but only 1.7% of its material fissioned. Nevertheless, the radius of total destruction was about 1 mile (1.6 km), with resulting fires across 4.4 square miles (11 km2). The Americans estimated that 4.7 square miles (12 km2) of the city were destroyed; Japanese officials determined that 69% of the buildings were destroyed and another 6–7% damaged. Some 70,000–80,000 people, including 20,000 soldiers, or around 30% of the city's population, were killed by the blast and resultant firestorm, and another 70,000 were injured, but over 90% of the doctors and 93% of the nurses were among the casualties. US president Harry S Truman issued a statement announcing that his country had "spent two billion dollars on the greatest scientific gamble in history -— and won" and warned Japan to "expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth." When it became clear that no Japanese surrender was imminent, Tibbets was given responsibility for the timing of the second bombing: Maj. Charles W. Sweeney, who had flown a support aircraft during the Hiroshima attack, piloted Bockscar, armed with "Fat Man." Initailly, Kokura was targeted, but the city was obscured by clouds and drifting smoke caused by the firebombing of nearby Yahata the previous day. Sweeney made three bomb runs in the space of 50 minutes, then headed for the designated secondary site, Nagasaki, which had also been an alternate to Hiroshima three days earlier. On the day of the bombing, 263,000 people were in the city, including 240,000 Japanese residents, 10,000 Korean residents, 2,500 conscripted Korean workers, 9,000 Japanese soldiers, 600 conscripted Chinese workers, and 400 Allied prisoners of war (in a camp to the north). (About 20,000 Koreans were killed in Hiroshima, about 1/7 of the city's victims, and about 2,000 in Nagasaki.) Fat Man's core contained about 6.4 kg (14 lb) of plutonium, but it missed its target by nearly 3 km (1.9 mi), and so much of the city was protected by intervening hills. The explosion had a blast yield equivalent to 21 ± 2 kt, generating 3,900 °C (7,050 °F) of heat and winds at 1,005 km/h (624 mph). The radius of total destruction was about 1 mi (1.6 km), and fires spread across the northern portion of the city to 2 mi (3.2 km) south of the bomb. Between 22,000 and 75,000 people died immediately, and between 39,000 and 80,000 by the end of the year from bomb effects. Only 150 soldiers were killed instantly, and at least eight POWs. Around 1,900 cancer deaths can be attributed to the after-effects of the two bombs. The survivors were known as "hibakusha" ("explosion-affected people") and became, along with their children, severely discriminated against by the larger Japanese population.
ReplyDeleteOn September 11, 2001, coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda were launched in the United States in response to US support of Israel, the presence of Amnerican troops in Saudi Arabia, and military and economic sanctions against Iraq. Four passenger airliners were hijacked; two of them crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York; within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed, with debris and fires causing destruction to nearby structures as well, destroying 18,000 small businesses in the area and 31,900,000 square feet (2,960,000 m2) of office space. Hundreds of thousands of tons of toxic debris containing more than 2,500 contaminants, including known carcinogens, were spread across Manhattan, resulting in illness for 18,000 people. A third plane flew into the Pentagon (the American military headquarters) in Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC The fourth plane, heading towards Washington, crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after passengers tried to overcome the hijackers. The attacks claimed the lives of 2,996 people (including all 19 hijackers and 72 police officers, and 343 firefighters who responded to the emergency) and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage and $3 trillion in total costs. Civilian airspace over the US and Canada was closed until September 13, and American financial markets until September 17, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 684 points, or 7.1%, a record-setting one-day point decline; by the end of the week, it had fallen 1,369.7 points (14.3%), its largest one-week drop in history. US stocks lost $1.4 trillion in valuation for the week. New York City lost 430,000 job-months and $2.8 billion dollars in wages in the next three months, and its GDP declined by $27.3 billion. It was the single deadliest attack in the US since the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in 1941 and led to American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the two longest in American history.