The Hoard of Heaven
Pasting the empty boards
As though I could elicit a hoard
Of the most beautiful things
Such as the ring of truth,
The diamond of hope
Into the twilight goes the pearl
In luminescence of smoke
I long to place those things
Before the Heavenly Host
The one and only king
One in three which love the most
Come now and take my hand,
For a search in an ancient land
Like Pharaoh to Emir
Sultan to Majesty most high
Now from dawn to dusk I seek with tired eyes
Who will lay down before me
A sight to see, of far yellow sands.
Then a rapid switch to the batsman’s tea
Look over yonder!
Chirps the Polynesian bird
All plumage writ in darkening feathers
To script some unfathomable word
Now! Now, the arrow is released
But it falls short of its mark
In some ways, evidence of peace –
Now have I recourse to those earlier gems,
Jewels that border and line an ocelot hem
So that in movement a fluid figure arises
And then – oh then, immortal surprises!
The Queen steps down from the throne
And I never fear, make no moan
As I suggest and scatter in thought and word
All silken now those jewels spell out.
How wondrous the legend is – If not solely for a king!
Let us breathe in sparkling circumference
That is surely shaped for eternity’s ring
Long to live and long to love!
Come find a diamond from up above,
One fit for an entire range,
And what was familiar now becomes strange.
Move you now to litter line swaying
Into the desert and a sound, mellow mind
Now that the goal is reached
Those delicate bones spell out the treasure relief.
Trinity -- Niku Guleria
Pasting the empty boards
As though I could elicit a hoard
Of the most beautiful things
Such as the ring of truth,
The diamond of hope
Into the twilight goes the pearl
In luminescence of smoke
I long to place those things
Before the Heavenly Host
The one and only king
One in three which love the most
Come now and take my hand,
For a search in an ancient land
Like Pharaoh to Emir
Sultan to Majesty most high
Now from dawn to dusk I seek with tired eyes
Who will lay down before me
A sight to see, of far yellow sands.
Then a rapid switch to the batsman’s tea
Look over yonder!
Chirps the Polynesian bird
All plumage writ in darkening feathers
To script some unfathomable word
Now! Now, the arrow is released
But it falls short of its mark
In some ways, evidence of peace –
Now have I recourse to those earlier gems,
Jewels that border and line an ocelot hem
So that in movement a fluid figure arises
And then – oh then, immortal surprises!
The Queen steps down from the throne
And I never fear, make no moan
As I suggest and scatter in thought and word
All silken now those jewels spell out.
How wondrous the legend is – If not solely for a king!
Let us breathe in sparkling circumference
That is surely shaped for eternity’s ring
Long to live and long to love!
Come find a diamond from up above,
One fit for an entire range,
And what was familiar now becomes strange.
Move you now to litter line swaying
Into the desert and a sound, mellow mind
Now that the goal is reached
Those delicate bones spell out the treasure relief.
Trinity -- Niku Guleria
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (from the Latin "trinus" -- threefold) maintains that God is three consubstantial persons -- the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit -— as "one God in three Divine Persons." The three Persons are distinct from one another in their relations of origin are yet one "substance, essence, or nature" (homoousios). (In this context, a "nature" is what one is, whereas a "person" is who one is.) Though each is co-equal and co-eternal, each is God, whole and entire. Accordingly, the whole work of creation and grace in Christianity is seen as a single operation common to all 3 in which each shows forth what is proper to him in the Trinity, so that all things are "from the Father," "through the Son," and "in the Holy Spirit.". The concept dates to the 2nd-century: The gnostic Basilides coined the concept of "homoousios" ("one in being," homos, "same" plus ousía, "being") in his discussion of a threefold sonship consubstantial with the god who is not, and Ptolemaeus Gnosticus claimed that it is the nature of the good God to beget and bring forth only beings similar to, and consubstantial with, himself. At the same time Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus was the 1st Latin Christian to develop the idea. He coined the terms "consubstantialis" to translate "homoousios" and "substantia" to render "ousia" -- both Greek words were related to the Greek verb "be" and thus connoted one's own personal character, while "substantia" connoted both being and matter. Tertullianus was also the writer who introduced the word "trinitas" but he discussed it as a triad (group of three) with God as the founding member, rather than as a triune God. Much later, in 1213, the 4th Council of the Lateran theologically established their relations of origin ("it is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds").