Wednesday, May 2, 2018


When: in the course of human events
when: in the course of development—
it becomes necessary, for One People
(class distinctions have disappeared
and all production) has been concentrated
to dissolve the political bonds in the HANDS
which have connected them with another
of a vast association and to assume
(of the Whole Nation) the public Power
among the Powers (of the earth)
will lose its political character
the separate and equal station
to which the laws—political Power—
of nature properly so called (and of nature’s
God is merely the organized power)
entitle them of One Class, a decent respect
(for the opinions of mankind)
for opposing another Requires
if the proletariat (during its Contest
with the bourgeoisie) is Compelled
that they should declare by the Force
of circumstances the causes, to organize
itself (as a class) which Impel it
(by means of a revolution):
it makes itself, them, to
We, the ruling class, HOLD these and,
as such, truth-to-be, self-evident:
That: All Men sweeps away,
by Force are created,
equal the old conditions of production
That: they are Endowed. Then, it will,
along with these conditions,
by their creator, have Swept Away
(with certain unalienable rights the conditions)—
That:  among these are:
life for the existence,
and the pursuit of class Antagonisms
(of happiness)—
That: to secure these rights,
and of the classes generally,
governments are instituted
(among men) and will thereby
have abolished its own Supremacy,
deriving (their) “just” Powers
from the consent (as a class
of the governed)—
That: whenever in place of the old
(bourgeois society)
any form of government becomes
(with its classes, and
Destructive of these ends
and class Antagonisms),
it is the right of The People
To Alter—or—to Abolish.

We shall HAVE it
(an association) and—
to Institute new government
in which the free development
(laying its foundation of each
on such principles)
is the condition for free development—
and organizing its Powers
(in such form as to them shall seem
of all most likely)
to Effect their safety and
happiness (prudence), indeed,

-- Duane Vorhees

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