Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ra Sh writes

Baby dreams of milk

Baby smiles 
Baby croons 
Baby says eyayeeyaeyooyey 
In sleep.

In baby’s dream 
A pair 
Of boobs 
Twin springs 
Of milk  

gums wet tongue wet mouth wet 
thick thick milk wet. 
gurgles baby. 
glob of cream slab of butter  
glands furiously turn 
blood to food in the factory of love 
desalting distilling reforming refining 
in centrifugal pumps pipes chutes taps.

In baby’s dream flow rivers of milk 
where swim milk fish 
sprout milk trees 
bathe milk mammas 
bloom hundred boobs like milk bubbles.

Milk baby dreams a booby trapped dream 
Where a milk bomb explodes 
Into white white stars.

Milk baby wakes up to 
the Three Dukhas.*

• Buddha’s concept of the three Dukhas (sufferings) in life– dukha of ordinary suffering, dukha of change and dukha of conditioned states.

Image result for milk river painting 
River of Milk -- Helen Sargeant

1 comment:

  1. The Aryans were nomadic breeders of horses and cattle breeding who took Sanskrit to India. "Du" was a prefix indicating bad or difficult, while "kha" meant "empty" or "hole," especially the axle hole. So, "duhkha" meant "having a poor axle hole," leading to a bumpy, jolting ride. More abstractly, "empty" means devoid of permanence and not having a self that can control one's condition or environment. The Buddha said: "I have taught one thing and one thing only, duhkha and the cessation of duhkha." (He also claimed, "What ordinary folk call happiness, the enlightened ones call dukkha.") In the doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, the Truth of Dukkha (duḥkha-satya) is identified as the first. It is commonly explained according to three categories: Dukkha-dukkha (ordinary suffering), the obvious physical and mental suffering associated with birth, growing old, illness, and dying; Vipariṇāma-dukkha (dukkha produced by change), the stress of trying to hold on to things that are constantly changing; and Saṃkhāra-dukkha (dukkha of conditioned states), the basic dissatisfaction that pervades existence because they all change and are impermanent, without any inner core or substance. On this level, the term indicates a lack of satisfaction, a sense that things never measure up to our expectations or standards. Duhkha may be overcome through meditation and compassion. In Hindu literature, the earliest Upaniṣhads only used the term twice: The "Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣhad" stated, "While we are still here, we have come to know [ātman]. If you've not known it, great is your destruction. Those who have known it — they become immortal As for the rest — only suffering awaits them;" and the "Chāndogya Upaniṣhad" said, "When a man rightly sees, he sees no death, no sickness or distress. When a man rightly sees,
    he sees all, he wins all, completely." So early Hinduism,like the later Buddhism, emphasized that a transcendent understanding was necessary to overcome the condition. In 1988, Ralph G. H. Siu proposed a new psychological discipline called panetics, to be devoted to the study of the infliction of suffering, with the "dukkha" as a semi-quantitative unit of measurement of suffering.


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