Friday, June 26, 2015

Busses and Crosses

Life deserves a measured look.
Life deserves a measured look.

I had a dog but dog ran away.
I had a girl and the girl did stay.

Plusses and losses shape our plans.
Plusses and losses shape our plans.

I had a dog but dog ran away.
I had a girl and the girl did stay.

Life is like a ledger book.
Life is like a ledger book.

Girl, she sears my nights
When snow chills the ground.

That girl fries my nights
When snow is on the ground.

Busses and crosses map our lands.                                                                                               
Busses and crosses map our lands.

Girl, she sears my nights
When snow is all around.
But summer days
I still miss that hound.
Busses and crosses map our lands.
Plusses and losses shape our plans.
Life is like a ledger book.
Life deserves a second look.

 -- Duane Vorhees

1 comment:

  1. This is actually song lyric. It alternates between a country song and a blues song. I've performed it often with the Kimchi Cowboys, but it doesn't actually have any set music. Any musician willing to collaborate on it?


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