Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Yes. But Where Are the Wheels?

“YES, BUT WHERE ARE THE WHEELS?”                                                                  
           --Albert Einstein, at 2, when presented with a sister

--What is woman? A boon-&-hex, sometime-mate / sometime-check.
--Oh, what's man? An egg-ego? A comicbook hero?
--A brain with bones.
--Mixed with chromosomes!
--Woman is the ultimate X.
--The Royal Comptrollers of Sex, we're architect-builders of children, passion's pilgrims.
--Man: atoms with kinetic glands, machines-with-hands.
--An electric orangutan!
--You Singer-Device, all undone. Man's the Iron Cross and the  iron dream.
--An iron sculpture of sweat and jizzum.
--A puzzled philosopher's tired scream: Why can't women be a syllogism?

--- Duane Vorhees

1 comment:

  1. Steve Koons is the head honcho of the legendary (though reclusive) Kimchi Cowboys cult band. I hope he can provide us with the music for this song. (He also included a handsome drawing of the Butterfly Girl, but despite repeated efforts I could not get it to transfer to the blog....)


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