Friday, May 8, 2015

Keith Francese writes

Seoul – a decade past

I was reading Tropic of Cancer
at the time

and awful other books with titles like
Best American Poetry 2004

I would have six cigarettes for breakfast
and hope to find 700 won in coins to get on the subway

drank almost every night
and was greenly thankful for life

I knew an English bird who liked to make
out in public bathroom stalls

enormous tits
and a penchant for jump roping when drunken

one night at a house
party while she did,
I rolled out onto the floor:

a one-year-old Labrador
sharing his bright pink erection
with the world

red belly to the sky
and waving it around for all to see

proud as I was

1 comment:

  1. Keith's attention to specific detail while leaving so many others to the reader's imagination helps make this poem work. It's easy for most of us to identitfy with the lifestyle while also feasting on the fantasy elements of the piece. I hope Keith has many more Korean (and other) experiences to share with us.


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