Friday, September 23, 2016

Jack Scott writes

Part IV

So odd 
to be so slight 
so suddenly, 
out of context, 
free of everything, but air, 
the failing wind  behind it all, 
emphysemic, weak and small 
from running all the way 
upstairs so fast 
with such a heavy load, 
let go now in weariness.

Highest spider 
in the deepest trench, 
of thinnest sea 
drowns softly 
as the final lick 
of longest wave 
now beckons home 
to kidnapt life 
in this far upper place, 
tugs softly back. 
Wind ghost whispers 
final summons 
in crystal frost 
on gossamer 
for spider stuck 
upon the Great Divide 
of Up and Down

behind a tiny pair 
of heavy lidding eyes 
the spider’s vision: 
milkweed trailing comet floss, 
slowly gaining spiral 
fluffed open by the feeble wind, 
web within it billowing - 
masterpiece of hunger 
where there is prey. 
Though strong as steel samara 
here for this frail parachute, 
seeking traction 
for the best way down, 
not finding it; 
up may now be stronger.

Spider has spun art 
that’s freed her 
from her drudgery, 
her livelihood’s insistence, 
incessant as the tides. 
The artist’s on her art, 
and in it, fisherman 
reeling in what’s left of earth 
to Oz, a brief reality.

1 comment:

  1. Though the Great Divide is any major hydrological divide (the line that separates neighboring drainage basins, usually along topographical features), but often refers to the Continental Divide of the Americas which extends from the Bering Strait to the Strait of Magellan and separates the watersheds that drain into the Pacific Ocean from those that drain into the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, or the Arctic Ocean.
    A samara is a synonym for the Embelia genus of climbing shrubs in the Primulaceae family, but Jack uses it as the name for a key, or winged achene, a type of dry fruit in which a flattened wing of fibrous, papery tissue develops from the ovary wall. Its shape allows the wind to carry the seed. In some cases (elms, hoptrees, bushwillows), the seed is in the center of the wing, but in others (maples, ashes), the side is on one side, with the wing extending to the other side, making it autorotate as it falls. So it is commonly known as a wingnut, helicopter, whirlybird, whirligig, polynose, or spinning jenny. It may have gotten its name from the Samara Bend, where the Volga river circles the Zhiguli Mountains, once an infamous pirate nest: Lookouts would spot an oncoming boat and then cross to the other side of the peninsula to attack it. In the 1950s. Frank Lloyd Wright built “Samara” in West Lafayette, Indiana, near Purdue University, naming it after the seeds he saw on the property during his first visit, and he worked a stylized design of chevron-shaped leaves throughout its design, including the clerestory windows, dining chairs, and the living room rug, (Wright specified the entire environment, including the furniture, linens, and landscaping, and insisted that they not be altered.)


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