you left
you were like the metaphors of smiling lilies
you were like the metaphors of smiling lilies
and my eyes blued from your pupils of sapphire
i became the rhythms of melding rhymes of passion
a slaved string between your fingers of love...
pure spurred passions flooded my heart
the drools of love cascaded the shelves of my bilabials
i knew my heart stopped like a roller-coaster-stuck
and i felt a like a fresh mint...
i remember the glimpse of your golden sun
how you spelled warmth for my minister of cold
i was once like a dead and buried lazarus
you brought me love coated in the abundance of life...
the nights we spoke under the milky pokes
and buried our mourning memories into wandering emptiness
you weaved words around my broken breath
and i felt a life to that i could breathe...
the moments we shared our limes without lights
and etched a new morning for our brokenness
how you bloomed a flora of fresh fragrance
and saved my stinking stem a scent so rare...
i read your whispers to the laughter of dawn
and my morning beamed with the beauty of brightness
i laughed your reveries into the smiles of the moon
how i chorused your songs to the rhythms of curious crickets...
when you told me you love me
i knew i melt a thousand times and again
i told mother of your angel for my demons
and she danced with a joy she had never had...
you held my hands and broke my chains
the chains that had tethered my innocence on hatred
i caught something from your hands...something
something inexpressible...
i chased dreams forlorn
i saw light beyond the darkness of my heart
from your smiles i weaved lights for my limes
you were always there for me...
like one longing for the twinkles of crabs at the sea shore
i wait under the tryst that fortressed our dreams
i have thought your return into nights and many dawns
for you left me alone again to my demons...
‘milky pokes' is used to mean...being hedged under the moon...(milky symbolizes the moon)
a slaved string between your fingers of love...
pure spurred passions flooded my heart
the drools of love cascaded the shelves of my bilabials
i knew my heart stopped like a roller-coaster-stuck
and i felt a like a fresh mint...
i remember the glimpse of your golden sun
how you spelled warmth for my minister of cold
i was once like a dead and buried lazarus
you brought me love coated in the abundance of life...
the nights we spoke under the milky pokes
and buried our mourning memories into wandering emptiness
you weaved words around my broken breath
and i felt a life to that i could breathe...
the moments we shared our limes without lights
and etched a new morning for our brokenness
how you bloomed a flora of fresh fragrance
and saved my stinking stem a scent so rare...
i read your whispers to the laughter of dawn
and my morning beamed with the beauty of brightness
i laughed your reveries into the smiles of the moon
how i chorused your songs to the rhythms of curious crickets...
when you told me you love me
i knew i melt a thousand times and again
i told mother of your angel for my demons
and she danced with a joy she had never had...
you held my hands and broke my chains
the chains that had tethered my innocence on hatred
i caught something from your hands...something
something inexpressible...
i chased dreams forlorn
i saw light beyond the darkness of my heart
from your smiles i weaved lights for my limes
you were always there for me...
like one longing for the twinkles of crabs at the sea shore
i wait under the tryst that fortressed our dreams
i have thought your return into nights and many dawns
for you left me alone again to my demons...
‘milky pokes' is used to mean...being hedged under the moon...(milky symbolizes the moon)

Resurrección de Lázaro -- Mauricio García Vega
"Lazarus" was Elʿāzār (Aramaic for "God is my help"), a man from Bethany (near Jerusalem, probably at al-Eizariya) who died and was resurrected by Jesus (as told in John 11-12). When told that Lazarus was mortally ill and that his sisters were seeking Jesus' intervention, Jesus told his followers that he would wait until Lazarus died before acting, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." Two days later he learned that Lazarus was dead and reiterated his position: "For your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe." When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had been buried for four days. Reproached by his sister Martha for not rescuing her brother, Jesus reassured her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" Martha's affirmation was the first time that anyone affirmed Jesus in the twin roles of prophetic "Son of Man" and Messiah. The other sister, Mary (who is sometimes identified as Mary of Magdalene, who has been claimed as the mother of Jesus' children and the progenitor of Europe's royalty), also objected to removing the stone from the tomb because of the odor, but Jesus chided her, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" When the stone was taken away, he invoked God: "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me." Then, upon Jesus' command, Lazarus came out, still wrapped in his burial clothes. On the one hand, the display of miraculous power consolidated mass adoration of Jesus and led to the huge crowds that greeted him in Jerusalem on Passover, but it was also reported to the religious authorities. Six days before Passover, Jesus again attracted a lot of attention when he returned to Bethany and dined with Lazarus' family, the event which provoked the Sanhedrin's decision to have him eliminated. By some accounts, Lazarus fled after the crucifixion of Jesus and was installed by Paul and Barnabus as the first bishop of Kition (modern Larnaka) in Crete, with his vestments woven by and presented to him by Jesus' mother. For the remaining three decades of his life, haunted by the unredeemed souls he had seen while he was dead, he smiled only once: witnessing the theft of a pot, he wryly remarked, "the clay steels the clay." Or, alternatively, he fled to Ra (Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in Provence) and began to preach throughout southeastern Gaul, eventually being installed as the bishop of Marseilles; when Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus ["Domitian"] -- who succeeded his brother Titus Flāvius Caesar Vespasiānus Augustus ["Titus"], the conqueror of Jerusalem -- launched a pogrom against the Christians, Lazarus was beheaded.