Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Anca Mihaela Bruma writes

Elysian Transcendence

Your pastel sunsets incandescently intertwine my velvet dreams,
and my verbs know how to whisper gallantly your prepositions.
I have even learnt to have fluency in your body language,
inhaling your line breaks, structuring the sentence of our Saga…

Staccato notes and runic destinies are hovering my peripherals
with cubist twilights, Venusian madness and supernova desires,
passionate crescendos weep in rhapsodic existential reverbs,
dismissing yesterday intangibles…  welcoming today freedoms!

An iridescence craved by seraphim passions and aeonic embraces!
Breathing you… breathing me… in curved celestial impressions
with stellar glimpses of thirty thousand empyreal souls,
mysteries colliding with wonders in shadows of evermore!

This Love! Oh, yes…  this Love! Keeps re-birthing me!
In retro films, silenced streams and harmonic breezes,
out of nothingdom my poem rises up and never ages
steadily reminding you: I was there… before I existed!...
Hieronymus Bosch 013.jpg
The Ascent to the Empyrean -- Hieronymus Bosch

1 comment:

  1. Empyrean is the highest heaven or heavenly sphere, usually consisting of fire or light. It is the true and ultimate heavenly paradise. Elysium is the paradise reserved for the heroes immortalized by the gods or as the home of the blessed after death. In "The Life of Henry the Fifth" (ca. 1599) William Shakespeare was the 1st to apply the word to a blissful state enjoyed by ordinary mortals, and Samuel Johnson was the 1st to use "Elysian" as an adjective for the blissful quality that emanates from such places.


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