Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Rik George writes

Spring Vistas

In April the world starts over again. 

Calla lilies bloom in the gardens, 
and rosebuds unfold in silver vases. 
Ladies in lace and watered silk 
drink jasmine tea from porcelain cups 
and pass platters of lady fingers 
with polite remarks about the weather. 
Weeds thrust up from sidewalk cracks 
and gnats dance over abandoned tires. 
Boys in jeans and baggy shirts 
drink yellow beer from shiny cans 
and pass corn chips in plastic bags 
with lewd remarks about their women. 
In April, the world renews itself.
Image result for women drinking tea paintings

Two Women Drinking Tea -- David Chestnutt

1 comment:

  1. When Louis XI visited the Ducato di Savoia (ruled by his brother-in-law Amadeus IX -- Louis' sister Yolande was the de facto ruler due to her husband's epilepsy); Louis' 1st wife Charlotte was the daughter of Amadeus' father) gthe occasion was celebrated with the creation of Savoiardi, low-density, egg-based, sweet sponge cookies. Because they look roughly like fingers, they are called "lay fingers" in the US and are typically soaked in a sugar syrup or liqueur. When soaked in coffee or espresso they are a basic ingredient of tiramisu (created in Siena in the late 17th century in honor of Cosimo IIde' Medici of the Granducato di Toscana, although "tiramesù" is Venetian for "cheer me up.")


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