Saturday, October 20, 2018

Pramila Khadun writes

Doubts and fears

Love isn’t easy
When distance separates us.
The fragrance of your pure self
Haunts my dreams
Every night and every morn.

Plunged in the pool of silence,
I look at the vast sky,
I hear the faint singing
And murmuring of the constellations.

Doubts and fears creep to my heart,
I feel weak and helpless,
Lost in the tangle of vine.
Biter sweet nostalgia
Makes my head go round and round,
And my existence seems meaningless.

But then all of a sudden,
The jewel print of your feet
Touches my heart gently and softly
And the fire of desire burns
With a moderate lilac flame.

I feel the warmth of your smile,
The love in your voice
And the comfort of your arms.
I see the Madonna lilies gleaming
In the pearl crystal clear pool.
I hear the musical sway
Of the white paddling swans.

I then realize that my fears and doubts
Were simply unfounded
And eternity is too short
To love you. 

Image result for madonna lily paintings
Madonna Lilies In A Garden -- Walter Crane

1 comment:

  1. Lilium candidum (the Madonna lily) has been cultivated for at leat 3,000 years. It is depicted on "the Prince of the Lilies," a Minoan fresco found on Krete dated to ca. 1550 BCE abd adorned the Beit HaMikdash, the temple constructed by king Shlomoh (Solomon) in the 10th century BCE. In medieval European art it was often shown with Jesus' mother Mary in depictions of the angel Gabriel's announcement that she would conceive the son of God. (In medieval Italian, "ma donna" meant "my lady;" "Madonna" in the sense of a painting or statue of Mary, particularly in reference to works from the Italian Renaissance, entered the english language in the 1640s).


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