Sunday, October 14, 2018

Akash Sinha writes

White Noise
Telephone towers streaming black tie conspiracy, clandestine widow moans, teenage pink giggles, corporate croaking, midnight sobs and unending white noise.
Microchip receptors sucking souls into pixilated porno kink, inane pop quiz, photo documenting banal boredom. Swiping cards in graveyard weak hours for overpriced lingerie and protein shakes. A generation trapped in double helix of credit debt and borrowed identity. Non jingling cryptocurrency in digital dollar pipelines fueling vampire cyber goths as wise counsel of the world. EMI sanctioned air conditioners to cool overbaked corporate grinders. Weekend amphetamine rush drenched in sexual neon blue of genital fluids in contraband techno clubs.
All this just avoid loneliness?
white noise

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