Friday, April 3, 2015

Timothy Spearman writes and shoots

A Poeture Speaks a Thousand Words


Yellow Mountain, Yellow Emperor

The Yellow Emperor was on tour
He found repose by a mountain
The mountain bore a strange countenance
resembling his own unique facial characteristics

Slipping into a reverie, he dreamed
His astral body left his body
like a butterfly might leave the cocoon
and went on a long journey
to the nether regions called the astral plane

On the islands in the eastern seas of the Milky Way
Near the Seven Stars constellation Ursa Major
Immortal Beings sup on dewdrops and moonbeam nectar
They feed on wind and vapour and things considered intangible
Their minds are clear and calm as a mountain tarn
The adult immortals become again as little children
Seraphim and cherubim sport and play in the Milky Way

When the seasons change in heaven
The spring of summer and fall of winter
go almost unnoticed and undetected
Sun and moon shed a gentle light
Day and night bathed in twilight
and hardly distinguishable one from the other

This is the place the Yellow Emperor visited
when he fell into a slumber by the Yellow Mountain
You can still see his breath in the mountain mist
Each time the immortal emperor breathes
there is a remnant of the breath
in the wind and in the mist.

In the Orient, no mountain has just one face
No emperor has just one face
In the East, no person has only one face
Approach the mountain and it transforms
One face becomes many, with multiple approaches
Mount one face and there is another face beyond
Are Oriental people two-faced?
No they are multi-dimensional and multi-faceted,
inscrutable, unreadable, and expressionless

1 comment:

  1. Huangdi is theYellow Emperor, the ancestor of all the Chinese, the creator of Chinese culture, and a master of the esoteric arts and of Taoism. He is associated with various bear motifs and legends and is probably an analogue of Dangun, the son of God and a bear and the ancestor of all Koreans. The Yellow Emperor myth is constantly being reinvented and elaborated upon to meet the needs of every era. For instance, in the early 2oth century, Chinese revolutionaries portrayed him as the "first nationalist of the world." Under Mao, the cult was forbidden as counter-revolutionary, though it continued in Taiwan; but beginning with Deng Xiaping the Communists revived it, in particular using the Yellow Emperor as part of the rationale for unifying all the Chinese people (particularly those in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, but also more broadly the Manchus, Mongols, Tibetans, and Hui Muslims -- and potentially all other Asians if Huangdi is the "*-father of the Yellow Race."
    Approach the mountain and it transforms
    One face becomes many, with multiple approaches
    Mount one face and there is another face beyond


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