Friday, April 6, 2018

John Patrick Robbins writes

From The Flames There Once Burned

Trading secrets and selling lies whispered softly within the dark.
Tattered edges and open sores.

We pledge the words and mean far less.

Ventura sunrise the past died fast between our vices,
and now I simply am left to recall.

Graffiti painted over our old haunts.
As what was decay they now praise as art.

Old dogs simply try to exist, while the young wish only to understand.

Nights have become my home.
As no road map can take you from this scene.

Screams in the vacant slums no reply needed.
Keep your doors locked and your insanity hidden.

I wondered does the cage protect those outside or the prisoner more?

Chain letters sent to make you question.

Will we ever stand the same upon a distant shore?

Who the fuck ever truly knows.

 Wasteland, Ventura, Ca.

1 comment:

  1. In 1767 Carlos III expelled the Jesuit order from Spain
    the Spanish kingdom. In 1768 Gaspar de Portolá i Rovira was appointed governor of Las Californias to dispossess the Jesuits in Baja California and replace them with Franciscans led by Junípero Serra and to explore the north. In 1769 he came upon a village of the Mitskanaka (a Chumas band) on the Ventura river, which fray Juan Crespi called "a regular town, the most populous and best laid-out of all that we had seen on the journey up to the present time." In 1782 Serra founded San Buenaventura, his 9th and last mission, near the village, naming it after the 13th-century philosopher saint. The city of San Buenaventura has generally been known as "Ventura' since 1891. In 2017 the Thomas Fire destroyed over 1,000 structures and caused over $120 million in property losses.


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