Saturday, January 6, 2018

Carl Scharwath writes, Deborah Setiyawati shoots


One flower stands alone
In the monolithic beauty
Ingesting the landscape.

Breathing passion from
Your sun-kissed petals,
Hypogeal soil conceals in heaviness,

You are the most unique
As the other flowers distraught
Wind-turn in the tempest.

Implying to judge the one
Solitary apart from the mold
Frail in your life, only needing someone.

A broken chance intercedes
To buffer your emotional storm
Stepping through silence, entwined in neglect.

Your strength is propagated
In honesty and innocence
As decay turns to life anew.

1 comment:

  1. "Hypogeal" describes an organism's activity below the soil surface. A seed's germination is hypogeal when the seed's cotyledons (seed leaves)are non-photosynthetic, inside the seed shell, and below ground. The opposite, epigeal germination, describes the situation in which the cotyledons expand, throw off the seed shell, and become photosynthetic above the ground.) In water purification works, the hypogeal layer is a biological film just below the surface of slow sand filters that contains microorganisms which remove bacteria and trap contaminant particles. Fossorial (burrowing) and troglobitic cave-living organisms are also hypogeal. The word combines "hypo" (subterranean) and "gaia" (earth) and dates back to 1686 or earlier.


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