I left
and by my eyes I measured the way to the sky
because there I had to go
and I went with noise without knowing the path that
leads over
I walked and I have found myself in front of a church
and I went inside.
There were just me and the priest
and some lit candles for wishes, prayers
and souls of the dead.
I sat in a corner
and saw the dome of the church that was ascending
and getting up until it was open, became a celestial hole
and then the rain fell on me and I thought of you.
And I was back again.
I opened the door
and we were unable to say a word
but we were drowned into kisses by nails΄ hooks
and you held me tight in your chest
then we both cried
and with a voice as were from the bottom of the sea
I said to you: I don’t want to go anymore!
And we were wrapped up by our shell, we closed it up
and we remembered the beautiful things
and the tomorrow weather, we thought, what color would
it have?
You went silently
You always do your things silently
I am the confusion.
You closed the door slightly behind
and what happened to you then I do not know
but I know about myself, that I was hidden inside of
until you came back again.
You appeared at the door as good breaking news
in the midst of mourning.
You had dissipated the smoke by your breath
and the same thing happened again.
We were drowned into kisses,
you held me tight in your chest till an "oh"
and we dangled on our arms as though exhausted
then we laughed it up with ourselves as it was all a joke
and suddenly you got a serious look
and in a watery look as a delicate baby you said:
I don’t want to go away from you!
Until one day neither of us had guts to escape.
We changed the lock.
We set the key.
We weren’t young anymore.
--tr. Laureta Petoshati

Camera degli Sposi, Castello di San Girogio, Mantova -- Andrea Mantegna
The Camera degli Sposi ("bridal chamber") is a room frescoed with illusionistic paintings by Andrea Mantegna in the Castello di San Giorgio in Mantova (Mantua), Italy, painted between 1465 and 1474. The ceiling presents an oculus ( a circular opening in the center of a dome) that seems to open into a blue sky, with foreshortened putti (cherubs) frolicking around a balustrade. This was one of the earliest di sotto in sù ("seen from below" or "from below, upward") ceiling paintings, an example of Trompe-l'œil ("deceive the eye"), an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions; the technique often uses foreshortened figures and an architectural vanishing point to create the perception of true space on a painted ceiling above the viewer. The work was commissioned by Ludovico III Gonzaga, for the castle that was part of the family's residence from 1328 to 1707, when the dynasty died out. Bartolino da Novara, one of the leading military architects of the time, and had a square plan with four corner towers, surrounded by a ditch with three entrances, each one with a drawbridge. In 1459 Luca Fancelli restored the castle. Mantegna created an illusionistic space throughout the chamber, as though it were a loggia with three openings facing country landscapes among arcades and curtains.