Bathing In Grace
Needing to step into
a bath of grace
every day.
It is already prepared
for me.
Let me not back away,
but jump in,
allowing the gentle water
of loving grace
to cover all.
This is a pure, free,
soaking bath,
cleansing me
of my own ineptitude,
all my failures,
my botched trying,
all the dirt, the impurities
that dwell thick in my ugly pride.
All can seep out
and are washed away.
I hear the kind, soft call
to come
to take my bath
already made ready for me.
I move quickly,
knowing my need, my filth.
I remove the dirty clothes,
soaked in the sweat
of a mind that overworks,
of a body that feels threats
from other voices,
but never from the one
who has prepared my bath.
Stepping in,
lying down,
covered by water
warming my chilled heart
enabling it to open again,
the foaming soap
taking away the depressing negatives
and bringing out smiles,
calm, sweetness.
Breathing in the delightful, love-filled, fragrance
of this room.
This is also a bath of preparation.
I come out cleaned,
renewed, fresh,
ready to go on
helping me to give out
what I have received.

The Baptism of the Christ -- Daniel Bonnell
The Baptism of the Christ -- Daniel Bonnell
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