Monday, July 17, 2017

Timothy Spearman writes

Devotional Sonnets Dedicated to the Mother

Sonnet I
Oratorio for Purgatorio
Theseus, the Thinker, upon the rock 
Meditates on eternal damnation, 
While around him fixed, the demonic flock, 
Disregard the promise of salvation.
Pirithous, by the enchanted rock, sits,
Holding vigil by the gate of Hades.
His mind in a tumult, he throws his fits,
His call unheeded by Pluto’s ladies.
Rally at the Mother’s urgent refrain,
And heed her dirge from damned City of Dis.
Come forth, thou hast no reason to restrain,
Those sad few for whom it has come to this.
The Mother plays her oratorio,
Freeing the hell-bound for Purgatorio. 

Sonnet II 
From Purgatory to Kingdom

In Plato’s cave, the sorrowful languish,
The orphaned children of eternity.
Fettered and tied, they harbour no fond wish,
But to seek the Father’s paternity.
In Purgatorio, they earn the right
To egress the gates to the glad Kingdom;
Beckoning them, a beacon’s steady light,
Urges them to the promised dominion.
Apuleus, the golden ass doth eat
Of Hercules’ fruit, golden delicious;
Out of blind stupor he doth awake,
To behold dawn’s gown so luxurious.
The Mother points the way to Kingdom Come.
What is home sweet home for a happy some.      
Sonnet III 
Ode to the Mother and Father 

Hearing our prayer, the Holy Mother  
Descends on clouds and vapor trails, 
Moonbeams and starlight, amid the ether, 
Succeeding triumphantly where all else fails. 
The Father for his part rises to new heights, 
Borne on the wings of nobler intentions, 
The prophets of old, and other leading lights,
Relieving the world of sundry tensions.
The union of the Mother and Father,
Is the key to the Gate of Paradise.
Yet the convergence of those that gather,
Could only come at the ultimate price.
How many paid with their heroic lives
To see this glorious day realized? 

 Image result for sanda davis
   Sanda Davis, the Mother        


  1. Romanian-born Sanda Davis, formerly a self-identified "conservative Christian" with psychology degrees from the Universities of Bucharest and Ottawa, had an epiphany. Now she insists, "I am GOD. The Original GOD, in human form with infinite aspects to my being."

    In Catholic theology, Purgatory (Purgatorium) is a state after physical death in which the deceased must undergo purification before entering Heaven. Its earliest embodiment was in "Josephus's Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades" by the 3rd-century theologian Hippolytus of Roma, the patron saint of horses: "Hades is a place in the world not regularly finished; a subterraneous region, wherein the light of this world does not shine; from which circumstance, that in this region the light does not shine, it cannot be but there must be in it perpetual darkness. This region is allotted as a place of custody for souls, in which angels are appointed as guardians to them, who distribute to them temporary punishments, agreeable to every one's behavior and manners;" the dead are first confined before being taken through a gate by an archangel, and then the unjust are violently forced toward the left to a fiery place which emits "hot vapor" from where they can see the just, who have been guided to the right toward a region of light called the Bosom of Abraham, but cannot pass over due to a "chaos deep and large" that serves as a barrier. At some point in time God will physically resurrect the dead, but the just will be clothed by their pure resurrected bodies, while the unjust will receive their impure bodies unchanged. Then they will be taken before Jesus, who will exercise "the righteous judgment of the Father towards all men" and grant eternal bliss to the righteous and everlasting punishment for the wicked. Elsewhere in Hades, God has prepared "a lake of unquenchable fire" for a future date of judgment.

  2. Theseus was the founder of Athens. His name derived from the same root as "thesmos" (The Gathering), since he was responsible for the synoikismos ("dwelling together"), the political unification of Attica. One of his companions was Pirithous (derived from peritheein ["to run around" because Zeus, disguised as a stallion, ran around in order to seduce his mother Dia], the King of the Lapiths of Larissa in Thessaly. in the Illiad" Nestor called them "the strongest men that Earth has bred, the strongest men against the strongest enemies, a savage mountain-dwelling tribe whom they utterly destroyed." Theseus and Pirithous swore to marry daughters of Zeus: Theseus abducted Helen of Sparta, but Pirithous choseto kidnap Persephone, the husband of Hades. After stopping to rest on a rock in the undderworld, they were unable to stand up. Heracles (Hercules) freed Theseus, though his buttocks remained attached to the stone, but the earth shook when he unsuccessfully tried to liberate Pirithous.
    Publius Vergilius Maro named Dis Pater ("Father Dis") as the ruler of the underworld; oriniglly he was a god of wealth, fertile agricultural land, and underground mineral wealth. As was the case in many cultures (i.e., Hades and Hel) the realm and the ruler bore the same name; also, note Dis Pater's shared plutocratic characteristics with Pluto, whose name derived from plouton, "wealthy"). So Aeneas entered the "desolate halls and vacant realm of Dis" with his guide, the Sibyl. Thirteen centuries later Virgil guided Durante degli Alighieri to the underworld; "the city whose name is Dis" encompassed circles 6-9 of Hell. Its walls were guarded by fallen angels, the Furies, and Medusa, and it was home to heretics, murderers, suicides, blasphemers, usurers, sodomites, panderers, seducers, flatterers, Simoniacs, false prophets, barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fradulent advisors, sowers of discord, falsifiers, and traitors -- sinners who were diven by malizia ("malice, wicked intent").
    Apuleius (known in Berber as Afulay) was a 2nd-century Numidian from Madauros (now M'Daourouch, Algeria) who was once accused of using magic to gain the attentions and fortune of a wealthy widow. He was also the author of the "Metamorphoses," which is usually known by the abusive title bestowed on it by Augustine, "Asinus aureus" (the Golden Ass). (Augustine had been educated in Madauros.) The novel related the ludicrous adventures of Lucius, who tried to magically transform himself into a bird but instead turned himself into an ass.
    Hercules' fruit were the apples from the garden of the Hesperides, the nymphs of evening, which Hercules stole either by tricking their father Atlas into getting them for him or by slaying Ladon, the dragon that guarded them. Athena later returned them to the garden. (The name of the garden was often used as the name of the nymphs.)


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