Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jeff Norris shoots

 Ōgamiyama Jinja

1 comment:

  1. Ōgamiyama Jinja is a complex of Shinto shrines in Daisen, Tottori, Japan. The 1,729-meter volcanic Mt. Daisen, which stands directly on the Sea of Japan, has been called Ōkami-take (Mountain of the great god) since at least the "Izumo Kokudo Fudoki," completed in 733. It is worshiped by practitioners of Shugen-do, who train their mind in the mountain. Shugendō ("the path of training and testing" or "the way to spiritual power through discipline") evolved during the 7th century from an amalgamation of beliefs, philosophies, doctrines, and ritual systems drawn from shamanism, pre-Buddhist mountain worship, Shinto, Taoism, and esoteric Buddhism (especially Shingon Mikkyō and the Tendai sect) as organized by En no Kimi no Ozuno, who (it was alleged in the chronicle "Shoku Nihongi" in 797), "was able to manipulate demonic spirits, making them draw water and gather firewood. When they disobeyed, he bound them using sorcery." The shrine, 998 m (3,274 ft) above sea level on a peak 1,725 m (5,659 ft) in height, has the longest approach of any shrine in the nation, a 700m natural flagstone path running through beeches and Japanese cedars.


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