Sunday, May 7, 2017

Passion for Life

Passion for Life
 --after Wang Guozhen

I care not if my destination is reached 
since I have courage to walk ahead 
regardless of  the winds and rains.

I care not if my love is reaped. 
Since a rose is my one passion 
my address is brave and sincere.

I care not if hostile winds and rains freeze me 
since my horizontal goal is set. 
The world’s shadow is behind me.

I  care not if the road’s flat or straight. 
Since I possess a passion for life 
I can never be caught offguard.

--Duane Vorhees

1 comment:

  1. Wang Guozhen published his first poem in 1984 and his book of poetry in 1990. He died of lung cancer in 2015 at 61.


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