Thursday, October 18, 2018

A.J. Anwar writes


Life is hard and trying and they
are faithfully busy making a living
choking us blue with stinking garbage
but, alas, if we get away and leave them
they’ll die. Their extended family will die!
And so we stay and be heroic
martyrs we are---not by choice
day in and day out they’d shove more
stinking junk, faithfully killing for living
And when will it due, when we all die blue

1 comment:

  1. George A. Hormel & Company was established in 1891 as a meat packing business. in 1926 he added Hormel Flavor-Sealed Ham, the 1st canned ham in the US, to his firm's lin-up, and then a canned chicken in 1929. In 1937 his son Jay introduced Spam, a canned pork-and-ham product; it was named by Ken Daigneau, the brother of a company executive; it may have been an abbreviation of "spiced ham," though ctics claimed that it stood for "Specially Processed Army meat," especially when it became a regular part of military diets in World War II. (It was also referred to as "ham that didn't pass its physical" and "meatloaf without basic training." In a 1970 "Monty Python's Flying Circus" sketch showcased a waitress reading a menu that consisted almost entirely of Spam, while a chorus of Vikings sang "Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam... Spammity Span! Wonderful Spam!" By the 1980s abusive users of early chat rooms repeatedly entered "spam" to scroll other texts off-screen or typed in the Monty Python lyrics. In this way it became associated with excessive multiple postings and then to unsolicited messages.


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