Your Love Reminds Me
Your love reminds me of a continuous flowing stream
gushing forth
sometimes unexpectedly.
Your love reminds me of that higher love
encompassing my whole
pure in its acceptance.
Your love reminds me of my need to keep on loving
fully, never allowing
anything, anyone, to get in the way.
Your love reminds me that we are imperfect,
you and I
but that even in our flawed state there is beauty.
Gushing Letort Falls -- Cecelia Lyden
Letort Falls Park is a 2-acre park, in Middlesex township, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is at the mouth of Letort Spring Run and features a 5-ft waterfall that tumbles into the Conodoguinet creek (meaning "a long way with many bends"), a 104-mile tributary of the Susquehanna river.