Sunday, April 24, 2016

Arlene Corwin writes

Inundating The Editor

Quality, not always, 
Quantity in all ways. 
Anything that springs to mind 
Finds outlet in and through a theme.

She may have Asbergers or ADD, 
Need to dream big dreams 
On paper, meditating through a pad, 
Text whirling ‘round the penmanship, 
The day’s condition 
Adding to 
Today’s edition; 
Words suggesting other words, 
Sounds more sounds.

She, who floods his files 
With smiles, idealism, childish 
Sentiment , un-soppy, hope.

Short-ish, long-ish, 
Right-ish, wrong-ish. 
Elbowing to front of stage 
Milking jokes 
With shocks meant to awaken. 
In conclusion, 
Mystery of mysteries, biggest of them all: 
Creativity, with you as channel. 
What could be more wonderful!

And there, the editor, 
Collector of each scrap of crap, 
And she so happy. 
Filed under “Future Use(s)”.


1 comment:

  1. Asperger syndrome (AS, "Aspergers") is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. An autism spectrum disorder, it differs from other disorders by relatively normal language and intelligence. The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication, had limited understanding of others' feelings, and were physically clumsy, but the modern conception of Asperger syndrome did not come into existence until 1981.
    Sir Alexander Crichton described "mental restlessness" in his "An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Mental Derangement" in 1798. ADD (attention deficit disorder"), as it was officially known from 1980 to 1987 and as it is still popularly referred to, was first clearly described by George Still in 1902, though medical literature described similar symptoms since the 19th century. The terminology has changed over time and has included "minimal brain damage" (in the 1930s) and "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood," but in 1987 ADD was renamed "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD). It is characterized by problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior. Despite being the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents, the cause is unknown. Its diagnosis and treatment have been controversial among clinicians, teachers, policymakers, parents, and the media since the 1970s, especially the use of stimulants to treat it.


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