Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kabir Deb writes


Two bellies meet, surface of one caressing the other 
Faces smiling inside cuddle with the umbilical chord
Less worry & more kisses burning their hatred 
After nine months, the door opened 
For them it was a door to Narnia with light around 
But the reality has got cuffs meant for their hand 
Chosen before even religion was attached 
Parents embraced them with all their love 
As they escaped the whole new world inside 
Serene caresses stopped & never returned 
Religion divided them with an opaque border 
They knew it was motherhood that helped them 
Feel the eyes of the unborn neighbour 
Birth separated them with dignity inside 
Deep down inside they cursed themselves 
Curses return back when mother holds them 
Both in a different world, still feeling the same cuddle 
How easily a mother burns the border 
Which everyone succeeds to develop again & again 
And she burns like a poem with a million refrains. 
 Image result for Heidi Taillefer paintings
 Venus Envy -- Heidi Taillefer


  1. Narnia is a fantasy kingdom inhabited by mythical beasts, talking animals, and magical beings, originally entered by Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie via a wardrobe in professor Digory Kirke's house in the English countryside. The talking horse Breehy-hinny-brinny-hoohy-hah ("Bree") memorialized it as "Narnia, the happy land of Narnia - Narnia of the heathery mountains and the thymy downs, Narnia of the many rivers, the plashing glens, the mossy caverns and the deep forests ringing with the hammer of the dwarfs. Oh, the sweet air of Narnia!" In 1939 C. S. Lewis, ,an English Literature professor at Oxford University, conceived of what became "The Chronicles of Narnia" in 1939 but did not finish writing the first novel in the series ("The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe") until 1949, and he finished writing the seven books in 1954. The books have been translated into 47 languages and sold over 100 million copies.


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