Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Alicja Kuberska writes

American dream

The shiny limousines run along the smooth roads of Florida
The wind stretches lazily in the palm leaves
From time to time, it drops some sea breeze into the city

Skyscrapers are reflected in the ocean
Water flickers like expensive brocade cloth
And white yachts sway lightly on the sea waves

You want to get to the world of glitz and luxury
 And move between golden signposts
With large inscriptions: Prada, Gucci, Tiffany

In a metal trailer, mold wraps around the walls
Unbearable stuffiness - because air conditioning costs
Objects are compacted in a small space

Free Internet in the common room allows you to dream
And you can observe that land through the keyhole.
You become a rich celebrity 
In your  imagination.

Like a mantra, you repeat the words - lockpicks
“Cool, Keep smiling
and you smile at the mirror
Sometimes you add -  time is money”

In your homeland few people remember you
Here you do not exist for anyone
You're still dreaming your nightmare
American Dream -- Nick Peña

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