Saturday, April 13, 2019

Umar Yogiza Jr writes

bedrock of memories

we are the collective consequences
of gradual dismissal of philosophy. science. art
and critical thinking

our chaos is an ice contraption
of intellectual labour
an unreflected dilapidation

we are an urban rot
surviving on rural decay
a developmental vulture

our achievements are refurbished decrepit
hospitals. roads and universities

the bedrock of our memories
is a wall of failures thickening

we seek action rather than the grammar that formed
the action. just to embrace more failures
this is our predictable attitude

we are a collective hostility
of wanton emptiness
an unrealistic dream stretched and sustained
into unthought and unholy journey
into unreflected destination
oh! is this not a collective hostility 
without a partner?

we inherited a price without a product
a mark of quality without a product
we carry others' lives and dreams in our head
and yet drag ours on the floor
this is a manifestation of my modernity
the gloat exits of our renaissance
this is the breath of our country in our body
privatizing impunity
Character -Vulture based
Vulture -- Morbula


  1. The present situation black Africa found themselves in. Vultures with human body feasting on the resources of nations.

  2. The life of vulture eat vulture, This is our new culture,
    With an unaltered future,
    For our underprivileged fortune.

    Deep insight on our present state of culture of vulturization.


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