Friday, November 16, 2018

Robert Maddox-Harle writes

The Lawn Mower Man and His Wife

A measured life
regular, metronomic
andante – no – adagio,
their heads move in unison
left to right - right to left
following each speeding car
travelling east – travelling west.

A friend painted this couple
retired, front patio dwellers
trapped them in the weave of canvas
as they are trapped in the folds of a life.

We speed along to destinations
appointments, meetings, building dreams,
I wonder about this couple's dreams
waiting for the grass to grow
watching and waiting – adagio.

He tinkers in his spare time
all his time is spare
but the clock ticks mercilessly,
motors and broken mowers
aiding and abetting a great Australian Dream,
to own:
a pull-start;
petrol belching;
green and gold;

To stake a claim against mortality
to sustain some standing in society,
the quest for the perfect lawn
one to one-point-eight centimetres,
the suburban Holy Grail,
short back and sides for the quarter acre.
On a fading headstone the words ….
“I thought therefore I mowed.”
 Image result for lawn being sprinkled david hockney
Lawn Being Sprinkled -- David Hockney

1 comment:

  1. Tempo ("time" in Italian) is the speed or pace of a given piece of music. In classical pieces it is customary to describe the tempo by one or more words, most commonly in Italian, because that was the language of most prominent composers during the time (the 1600s) these descriptions became commonplace. Before that time musicians had no way of knowing the composer's intentions. The indication of tempo became increasingly popular during the first half of the 19th century, after Johann Nepomuk Maelzel patented his metronome in 1815 (though he actually just added a scale to a machine invented by Dietrich Nikolaus Winkel a year earlier). Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the 1st composers to use the instrument, and he published metronomic indications for his 1st 8 symphonies. Adagio ("joy" or "at ease" in Italian) indicates a slow tempo with great expression (66–76 beats per minute); andante (from "andare," to go) is faster, at a walking pace (76–108 bpm).


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