Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Aabha Rosy Vatsa writes


How long will you subjugate her
As your daughter
Your girl friend
Your wife
Your mother
How long will you brazenly assault  her dignity
Exploiting her morally
And worst of all

How long can she subdue her sobs
Hide her bruises with foundation and powder
How long will she stifle the choked cries
Hurriedly wipe the tell tale tears
Put on a brave smile
As if all was well with the world

How long will you vanquish her desire to be upright
How long will you crush her spirit
Beneath your merciless gaze
How long will you conquer her soul
By pulling her lustrous hair 
How long will you defeat her will 
That was meant to spiral to glory
How long will you overpower her physically
How long will you hegemonize her
Shattering her strength to smithereens

For heavens sake
Stop this maniacal violence against women
That has been raging for centuries
For heavens sake
Stop this marauding of her rightful life
That you have robbed shamelessly for centuries

One in every three women
Falls victim to domestic violence globally
That leads not merely to disability
But death

Can't you see this violence is a barrier
A barrier to eradicating poverty 
How can an abused woman be a bread earner
When she is wiping her tears all the time
How can an abused woman stand up for her rights
When her spirit is being attacked daily

How can Peace prevail
As long as women continue to be violated
Violence against women is the most widespread abuse of human rights

Let us all gather
Men and women
Young and old
Weak and strong
To fight this menace
To end this menace
Say 'Stop Now' to Violence against women
Image result for woman with black eye paintings
Black Eye

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