Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Heather Jephcott writes

Strangers no more 

As I traveled through the land,
near and far,
around the edges
through the towns, the villages
and into the deepest jungles
I noticed.......

There were no strangers
everyone was a friend, a colleague,
I was welcomed by everyone
arms were wide open to receive.

I was a new arrival
but I did not feel like a foreigner
rather, strong feelings overwhelmed me
of finally being totally at home,
belonging to the land, to the people.

I had instantly become part of one big happy family
where all who came were never guests
never visiting, always staying.

No one could intrude
as once anyone arrived
they immediately became an insider
there were never ever any outsiders.

The welcoming was beautiful....
eyes would light up in recognition
even when it was a first time meeting

All walls of separation
had been totally destroyed
all veils of alienation had been ripped
top to bottom.

Love and grace
forgiveness, acceptance
had already taken down all barriers
and those who entered this
most amazing kingdom
enjoyed pure, healthy
enduring relationships.

I was delighted as I saw
no signs of the poor, the wealthy,
all were providing for, being provided for,
no one had sense of ownership over another.

All skin colours were seen
as equally beautiful
the old, the young and in-between
were all equally honoured.

The walls of gender did not exist
and neither did religious divisions.

As the glorious music continued
harmoniously encouraging
one and all,
I knew this was the place
I never wanted to leave
an everlasting kingdom
where joy, light, love and mercy
flowed without limit. 

 Image result for welcoming paintings
 Welcome Stranger -- Cathie Joy Young

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