Monday, January 29, 2018

James Babbs writes

Start Here

start here I thought
and see what happens
because it’s cold down here
but this is where I like to stay
I like it down here
because there are no windows
no places for me to look out
but that also means
nobody can see inside either
and it’s dark down here
if I don’t turn on the lights
I have plenty of them
but sometimes I like to leave them off
and sit down here in the darkness
it’s quiet down here
if I don’t play any music
I can sit on the couch
and hear the ticking of the clock
one of those old-fashioned kind of clocks
with hands and a face
and big numbers from one to twelve
it was my Mother’s clock
I gave it to her one year for Christmas
but after she died
I went through some of her things
and ended up bringing the clock home with me
the clock was made so you can
record messages on it
a different message for each hour of the day
I meant to put some messages on the clock
even wrote down a couple of them
I thought were really clever
but one thing led to another
I hung the clock up on the wall
but never recorded any of the messages
Simon Fernandez

--Simon Fernandez

1 comment:

  1. “Going against the popular myth that negatives are precious, as is time, I thought I’d see what happened when you soaked, froze, painted, and scratched a 5×4 negative. The colour version of this photo started off life as a black and white negative. After doing my best to ‘ruin’ it by freezing the neg in a solid block of ice for a couple of days before processing, I thought I could take it a few steps further. Soaking the neg in yellow water colour paint, refreezing it, and dripping ink onto the emulsion seems to have done the trick. Because it’s a negative, all things are opposite; yellow becomes blue. Moral of the story is; well there isn’t one really, but experimenting is good; no point repeating what you already know. This is an attempt to explore image making, texture, and mark making in a very physical way within the context of photography.”
    --Simon Fernandez


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