Friday, January 26, 2018

Benny Billet writes

Some Things Rotting in Denmark

A Foresight
is as Good as a
to a Blind bat;

A Behind skin is better
than a Foreskin
to a Seeing-eye dog.
Bat Dog -- George Rodrigue

1 comment:

  1. William Shakespeare wrote "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" around 1600. Early in the play the ghost of Hamlet's father appears, provoking one of the guards to remark, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." (Hamlet himself had just remarked, ";Tis an unweeded garden.") In face, many things things about the situation were rotten. Seeing a ghostly apparition in itself is unusual. The ghost tells his son that he was killed before he had a chance to confess his sins, so he is trapped within the purgatorial fires. He was murdered by his brother, who then usurped the throne and married the king's widow. And young Hamlet also becomes deranged as he tries to decide how he must act to restore justice.


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