Child’s Play
Once I was as the Italian child
in the Brussels airport who,
upon seeing stroll by a man
with a very large nose, exclaimed,
“Che brutto!”
But now I merely note the variation
in the species as its members pass
whatever station I happen to occupy
and even appreciate the vagaries, slopes, and gaits—
Chalk it up to God’s art—
which must have some value and intent,
only waiting for the watcher’s bambino
to grow into consideration, relent.
Once I was as the Italian child
in the Brussels airport who,
upon seeing stroll by a man
with a very large nose, exclaimed,
“Che brutto!”
But now I merely note the variation
in the species as its members pass
whatever station I happen to occupy
and even appreciate the vagaries, slopes, and gaits—
Chalk it up to God’s art—
which must have some value and intent,
only waiting for the watcher’s bambino
to grow into consideration, relent.
"Che brutto" is the opposite of the Italian expression, "che bello." It means "ugly," "horrible," "unpleasant," "bad." A bambnino is a baby or child.