Saturday, December 8, 2018

Partha Chatterjee writes

Blooming of a Heart 

Lips utter in indistinct fogs.
Eyes are ports with anchored hearts.
Fingers dancing as flame of fire.
Trees are strings of a musical instrument.
Moonbeams flow as sweet tremor of ragas.
At this very moment your heart blooms slowly opening its fist.
Image result for blooming heart paintings
Blooming Heart -- Adriana Perez Rosas Fitzgerald

1 comment:

  1. A raga (literally "coloring, tingeing, dyeing") is a melodic framework for improvisation in Indian classical music. It has at least 5 notes, which may be reordered by the musician. Each raga is an array of melodic structures with musical motifs, considered in the Indian tradition to have the ability to "color the mind" and affect the emotions of the audience via symbolic associations with season, time, mood, or other theme. The “Brihaddeshi” by Matanga Muni (dated between the 6-8th or possibly 9th century) was the 1st text to discuss the raga in a musical context, describing it as "a combination of tones which, with beautiful illuminating graces, pleases the people in general.” An earlier text, the 1st-century “Naradiyasiksa,” named each musical note as a deity, reflecting a common Hindu belief that music is itself a spiritual pursuit and a means to moksha (liberation). Music appeals to human beings because they are hidden harmonies of the ultimate creation. Ragas, then, have a natural existence; artists don't invent them, they only discover them.


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