Friday, December 1, 2017

Heather Jephcott writes


The words
do not stop,
the sentences
go on without end
connecting thoughts
flowing into a giant sea
diverse ideas running
waves, after waves, after waves.

of the sky
changing each second
becoming less
becoming more
blue, clouds, dark, rain,
variety repeating
but never exactly
and we are left wondering
what will happen next
as there is no surety
in part-time patterns.

A wealth
is ever before
unexplored life
expansively changing
still to be examined, considered
and our dim looks revealing tidbits
tiny parts, never the whole.

There is no end
to searching
should we desire full answers
whether simple or complex
as life dwells inside, outside
dynamics such as these.

refined, beautiful
abound in great quantities
and can be found should we take
time to sit, watch, listen, inquire,
leading us forwards, onwards, upwards
to a higher calling,
a traveling state based on the purity of faith
in a being greater than all. 

 Image result for endless sea painting
 The Endless Sea -- Louisa Chase

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