Monday, March 11, 2019

Umar Yogiza Jr


nature opens its tobacco mouth 
rotten teeth
that fall out one by one with each bite
chewing a stony question —
is there life after death?

nothing is stable here, 
unreachable memories. kiting
everything is changeable
human and animal dying one by one
going out like darkness 
only to reappear to start again

so many deaths before the real death
clinging to our growing pains
fear killing our guts small small
small small. small small 
windows closing the key hole of possibilities 

we love timidly like stranger's love
faith cut the love of man and the earth out of us
relationships rise and
disappeared into pains and mourning
emerging wastelands lost from the memory 
grave flower's petals growing into fire
ember by ember each heartbeat and breath
extinguishing bits of our existence 
until death before the final death
Image result for rotten teeth paintings
Rotten from the Inside -- Rhett

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