Saturday, March 9, 2019

Pramila Khadun writes

The Power of Thoughts

It is incredibly bizarre
How our thoughts have a pivotal influence
In our lives and the lives of others.
We think and our thought materialize,
Sometimes good and at other times bad.

Some men and women have such classy thoughts,
All positive, pushing ahead, dissipating the storms.
Some who think that life is a haphazard journey
Do so much harm to society
With the power of their negative thoughts,
Sowing seeds of discord and dis-empowerment.

Just a single thought in our mind
Can put up a palace of a rare design
And another thought makes the dream crumble
Like castles on the sands soft
Facing the sands of time.

A grounded understanding and awareness,
Emotional sensitivities of unity,
Empathy, forgiveness and understanding
Are all children born out of thoughts.
Group thinking, prayers, meditation,
Group work, discussions, projects,
All work out miracles.
Praiseworthy and commendable execution!

Think of the evil thoughts of hatred,
Self-aggrandizement at the cost of others,
Fake rules and false figureheads,
Feelings of abhorrence absolute,
All these germinate from our thoughts,
Creating wars and disasters,
Making humanity stand on shaky grounds.

Sincerely and objectively,
Let us take care of our thoughts
For they are powerful indeed.
Either we survive or we perish
Simply with the power
Of our thoughts.
Image result for thought paintings
In Deep Thought --  Ankita Kumari

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