Monday, March 4, 2019

John Patrick Robbins writes

Never Keep A Woman Waiting

I had a friend ask me.
"Dude why does it take days to get a reply from you whenever I send you a message?" 
I took seven days to reply to that one. 
And finally my old friend mentioned.
Some woman said I had responded in seconds after she contacted me.
"Man I just don't get why you're so lax with your friends and so quick with a total stranger?"

I laughed to myself as a typed out my reply. 
"They're called tits my friend." 
He hasn't said shit since. 

I believe he got the message. 

Related image
A Pair of Great Tits -- David Finney

1 comment:

  1. Francis Willughby used the "great tit" term in the English translation of his "Ornithologiae Libri Tres" (Three Books of Ornithology) in 1676, a revolutionary tome that employed a classification system based on anatomical features such as overall size. Because of its wide range and the fact that it often lives in close proximity to man, the great tit (Parus major) has been intensely studied. Ornithologists have discerned that the birds with the greatest repertoire of songs enjoy the highest breeding success, though if they are late-layers they tend to have smaller clutches. Great tits are quite aggressive at a birdtable, fighting off smaller tits. In 1975 J. A. G. Barnes noted that a “topic of some interest to earlier writers was the alleged murderous tendency of great tits.”


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