Monday, February 4, 2019

James Diaz writes

Cara's Voice

I breathe you in 
like Saturn orbiting 
the dark
a single turn around the sun
takes so long
I've lost all my words for you
as I travel the line
back and forth

putting my ear to the earth
to hear your heart
say: be still,
friend - be ever ready
for what comes next

sometimes I have only this one trick
where I pretend to know who I am
and it all so easily unravels 

I drop tenderness into a stream
and dream it unfurls a great oak
called Cara - the last listening wonder
in this cruel world

eyes are windows
you've kept yours wide open 

never hiding the soul

a light house is also a thing of skin
of one voice pressed to another

we exchange names 
for lack of a better way 
of dancing with each other's light,
a body is a beacon
carries what it must
says what it has to

I dream of you when I need to remember 
that things can also be so, so beautiful
Image result for planet saturn paintings
Saturn -- Karen Koski

1 comment:

  1. it takes saturn 10,759 terrestrial days (29 1/2 years) to orbit the sun.


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