Monday, February 18, 2019

Marcus Severns writes

Dissident Decedents

Give them food,
             Send them to college.

Make sure they are safe.

             Give them life,
                         Teach them language.

                          Pick them up when they are sick,
                                      Drop a blanket over them
                                                   When they fall asleep on the couch.

                                      Give them the nurture they need
                                                    To mature
                                      Into healthy people

                           Who go into the world
                                         To do the same.

                            At retirement, they shall argue who gets to be caretaker.


             Or the “Hands off approach.”

             Give them nothing,
             Complain to them and about them,
             They're in the will – they will inherit –
                          They should be thankful.

They rarely visit?

              None of them live nearby,
              Nor seem to care
                           That you have a disease?

I'm sorry, 
I will hug them for you;
               Then bring you a fruit basket


                As well as
                           Black roses.
Image result for fruit and black roses paintings
Black Rose -- Ellen Hendrikx

1 comment:

  1. A black rose traditionally symbolizes the death of a relationship.


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