Sunday, August 9, 2015

Dan Broudy writes

No Big Whoop

a crying game
team player womanizer
playing ball bearing love
romance pumping vigorous exclamations
in the loudly silenced wind
paradox rolled into contradiction
turmoil confusion
smoked in a water pipe
of butter and jam
showered with a warm yellow discovery
an adventure running desperately
breathless dying leaves
in elm trees and
woodpeckers in maples
where I sat on stairs slippery
when wet women wink
and drink Listerine
cleanse Ivory towers clean
when chaste we chased away
their innocence
until they fell I did not know
what to say
don’t worry be happy
when the Lord says to
pay the rent
when famine, pestilence chance,
and trance induced us to labor
all day flying
as birds watching worms
wiggle out of the way
down under where a bridge
whose dictator
Napoleon generally loitered
hospitalized and went
to his grave sick
and tired
drooping eyelids
and all
when the heavy weight
of thoughts


1 comment:

  1. "paradox rolled into contradiction" -- notice how often Dan follows oxymoron logic in this poem: crying game, loudly silenced, be happy when the Lord says to pay the rent... The syntax and line breaks may make this a tough poem to read in an easy, linear way, but try to read it in your mind and all will become clear.


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