Sunday, September 20, 2015

William H. Drummond writes

Revenge of the Faeries

On the Andean roof in the dawn
When the day and the night are the same
Where the snow and the ice are the lawn
All the Angels and Djinn and Elves came
Faeries, too, and the Dwarves and the Gnomes
Magic creatures from ev’ry dark land
There they came though so far from their homes
Why they gathered we’ll soon understand
Global warming, pollution, and AIDS
Human crimes were now reaping their fruit
Beside these all the past evil fades
They will rip out this tree by the root
      The revenge of the Faeries is near
      And now Mankind has something to fear

1 comment:

  1. Bill has presented a number of juvenile faerie poems here, but this one is certainly the darkest of the lot.


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