An Ecstatic Rendezvous
There was an uncomfortable week, suffused conjointly by aftermath and
anticipation. Then, one sleepless night, after days of indecision, my mind
racked by weighing up -- probably imaginary -- pros and cons, I was propelled by a
dream in which my room was smothered in incense. The mirror melted and gelled
into my beckoning lover, in her bathrobe, which floated off to proclaim her
bathing-girl glory, celebrated by ethereal accolades from an invisible choir -- a
heavenly body come to perfect flesh!
She wafted upwards as she sank downwards, cancellation of contraries in
perfect fusion. I was galvanised into action for the next day, feeling every
bit as energetic as if I’d had a great night’s sleep. Now I must find a lady.
Gradually, and with painful trepidation, I plucked up the courage. There were
years of reticence, of moaning, about my ability to chat up and charm and some
disappointment about subscribing to respectable dating agencies, which led to
so many blank, negative meetings -- at a ridiculous cost.
I finally got over my quite heavy inhibitions about shady back pages of
newspapers, and those upper shelves, so long strictly beyond the pale of the
civilised, cultured, and proper. The censorious voices of the past continued to
reverberate in my memory -- surely you could never think of descending to those
depths… That would be quite unthinkable. These frowns and tut-tuts faded off to
let in a flood of memories of past rebuffs, with subdued shakes and turnings of
the head, curls of the lips and movements away. Now, the wheel had come full
circle. My new tide would overcome that old one, and confound all those old
bĂȘtes noires who had said I was ugly, probably groaning with their beer bellies
by now!
At last, the voluminous curtain rose on the beginning of my great drama.
I let my desires out of their near-subterranean fully through steeling my
nerves to buy a contact magazine. I felt quite hesitant at the retail counter,
but the Indian woman there gave me a knowing nod. I looked through the London
contacts, and in the midst of a mass of others, many of whom repelled me, my
eyes lit on Sandra’s photo, which radiated allure and classy refinement, crying
take the plunge. Here was someone whom I would formerly have considered out of
reach, but now that the intrepid spirit reared up, I was going to reach out for
her, and our astral spirits would fuse.
Through the monochrome photo -- retouched by my yearning if by nobody
else’s action -- her radiant aura of a super-Hollywood morale booster beckoned
alluringly to be unbuttoned, unzipped, and caressed. So, I nervously wrote my
letter to the box number, did several circuits of the mailbox before posting
it, and remained quivering on tenterhooks for those few days until my reply
came through my letterbox. In some ways, I wished I’d had a copy of one of the
sketches of me to enclose with the letter.
She wrote a response along with her phone number. I rang, and after four
rings, her voice on the answer-phone was as electric as her photograph: velvety
smooth, with the slightest trace of a husk and perfect breath control.
Emboldened, I left my message in the deepest, silkiest tone I could imagine. My
instruction to her was that she must ring me back on the dot of midnight. I
managed to sound firm with that instruction.
My bonus-prize digital watch bleeped away with its glinting green
flashes in my tense hand. Then Sandra showed perfect synchronicity in following
the instructions -- twenty-four hours to the very second, the very cusp of night
and day!
“We’ve synchronised watches,” Sandra whispered.
She sounded refined, if with a slight suspicion of quivering shyness,
tentative with each word, but beneath that surface there was eagerness,
intense, burning with passion and experience. Here was an authentic
connoisseur. Through breezing, blowing breaths, and coded tappings of our
receivers, we tongue-kissed, petted, caressed, petted some more, and disrobed,
holding some fibres close to the receivers for authenticity. Then, slowly,
surgingly, we worked up to a two-way telephonic orgasm, panting through the
thunderstorm of our making -- true fire-raisers in the flesh.
“I’ve never before encountered such telephonic aplomb. Are you that good
in other areas?”
“I am confident of that. I’m all agog till we meet face to face,
darling,” I said between pants.
“Reciprocal assurance -- for the visual-tactile re-enactment. You won’t be
disappointed,” she replied.
This level of communication felt truly telepathic. Every sound, every
verbal hint felt absolutely delicious. Now, it was just a matter of a
telescoped stretch of time. The flood of destiny swelled and surged. It was now
confirmed that we were to meet for the real, now the non-virtual, get into the
tactile dimension. We fixed the rendezvous at her place.
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