Tuesday, May 22, 2018

John Doyle writes

Song for Harold Lloyd

Harold Lloyd,
you're a pinball
stuck in grid-iron fields,

kicking field-goals
for the girl of your dreams,
glasses half-steamed,

as the game comes to its Charleston slacks and shoes finale -
the universe lies exposed
in twinkling stars on Mildred Davis’s sunrise cheeks.

Harold Lloyd, 1928,
girls in flappers run to you,
the rising of cool-cool steam, a nickelodeon of future dreams

David Allen writes


you came again
blown in from
the winter wind,
smiling to warm the night.
How did you know
I’d be alone?
We talked long,
read our poems,
drank tea, and then
you left
without ever
taking off your coat.
Image result for tea and poetry painting
 The Tea Party -- John Tenniel, from Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"